About Us

Lisa Sommer MA, CCC-SLP/TSHH

Chief Speech-LanguagePathologist

headshotLisa Sommer, MA, CCC-SLP/TSHH is a New York State licensed and nationally certified Speech-Language Pathologist. She maintains certification in Speech-Language Pathology from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.   She also holds a permanent certification as a Teacher of the Speech and Hearing Handicapped (TSHH).   Lisa specializes in pediatric development. As a PROMPT trained therapist, her practice is focused on developmental, speech, language, feeding, and pragmatic delays/disorders, specifically from birth to 13 years old.  She has been practicing for more than 10 years. Lisa’s specialization in being a trained PROMPT therapist and extensive work in feeding therapy, assists in providing functional outcomes for the more challenging oral-motor cases, including difficulty with straw drinking, eating, and apraxia of speech. She additionally has experience with the Beckman Oral Motor Protocol. She founded Kiddo Communication in 2010. She and her team of providers service children and their families in the privacy of their home. Both consultation and continuous ongoing therapy are customized to the needs of each individual client and family. They problem solve through both the easy to remedy speech and language delays, as well as the most challenging cases, providing parent and care giver education and instruction, while also providing ongoing therapeutic services.

Additional Information

Lisa is an adjunct instructor and clinical supervisor at the Edward D. Mysak Clinic for Communication Disorders at Teachers College, Columbia University. She teaches weekly seminar courses about various topics for the beginning to advanced graduate clinician. Lisa directly supervises 6-7 graduate clinicians each semester who are working with patients with a variety of speech and language disorders. Additionally, she collaborates with a variety of professionals in an academic setting to maintain accreditations by ASHA and to develop clinic policies. She graduated from Indiana University with a BA in Speech and Hearing Sciences. She graduated with a MA in Speech-Language Pathology from the Robert L. Milisen Speech-Language and Hearing Clinic at Indiana University. Lisa’s clinical experiences range across the lifespan from infants and toddlers through geriatric, and across settings from hospitals, rehabilitation centers, private schools, special education schools, and charter schools. However, her primary clinical interests and areas of expertise are in pediatric feeding/swallowing, developmental language and speech disorders & delays, while further expanding the knowledge of the parents, medical professionals, and teachers of the children whom she services.


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